Impartial Hearing Reporting System Help File

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Welcome to the Impartial Hearing Reporting System (IHRS)

This site is designed to help users understand and navigate the IHRS and guide them through the steps needed from opening to closing a case. We regularly update the system to reflect changing regulations and provide users with a straightforward and efficient experience in fulfilling reporting requirements. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we appreciate your feedback as we continue to make improvements. If you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions regarding the IHRS, please reach out to us atspecedih@nysed.govor (518) 473-0170.

Thank you for all your work on behalf of students with disabilities.

What is the IHRS?

The IHRS is a secure, web-based data collection system designed to record information about the impartial hearing process at critical points, beginning with the initial written request for a hearing and ending with the implementations of decisions rendered during the hearing. The IHRS is a "real time" system used to monitor New York State's due process system to ensure impartial hearings are completed within the time periods required by federal and State law and regulation. The data entered is immediately recorded and displayed for the purpose of daily monitoring of the timeliness of impartial hearing decisions.


More information about the impartial hearing process in New York State, as well as the mediation and State complaint processes, may be found on the Office of Special Education's Dispute Resolution Options website.

Data Reporting and Monitoring

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School District Responsibilities

The school district is responsible for timely reporting of all dates and actions related to an impartial hearing in the IHRS throughout the process, from receipt of request (due process complaint notice) to closing the case. When the district receives or initiates a request for an impartial hearing, it must immediately enter the request and record all relevant case information as it occurs. The school district’s timely data entry is key to accurate reporting. The district must develop policies and procedures relative to impartial hearings and reporting that clearly outline how the district fulfills its reporting responsibilities.

The Special Education Due Process Unit monitors the case information in the IHRS daily to ensure compliance with the required regulatory timelines. Monitoring protocols include notification to the district and impartial hearing officer (IHO) of noncompliance in any aspect of the case, including when the decision or case closure is late (i.e., past the case compliance date).

Changes in School District Staff Information

The IHRS retrieves contact information from the State Education Department Reference File (SEDREF) when notifying the Superintendent and Director of Special Education (DSE) of impartial hearing case activity. If the Superintendent’s or DSE’s contact information is changed or becomes inactive and is not updated in the SEDREF system, they may not receive important notifications regarding impartial hearing case activity. To ensure there are no interruptions in the appropriate staff receiving the IHRS notifications, the Office of Information and Reporting Services (IRS) must be formally notified so the SEDREF can be updated. More information on how to change contact information may be found on the. This page may also be accessed by clicking the link in the Application Business Portal.

Late Appointment Monitoring

The district is responsible for entering an impartial hearing request immediately upon receipt and to initiate appointment of an IHO within two business days of receipt of the request. Failure to appoint a hearing officer or failure to enter the appointment data in the IHRS results in the following:

  • An initial notificationis sent to the school district superintendent and director of special education that the appointment is overdue.
  • A second notificationis sent to the school district superintendent and director of special education that the appointment continues to be overdue if, after the initial notification, the district has still not appointed an IHO.
  • The superintendent is contacted to review the activity with district staff and to set a timeline to address the late appointment. A letter is sent to the superintendent to confirm the agreed upon timeline.
  • Additional corrective actions are taken for failure to meet the agreed upon timeline.

Timelines for Impartial Hearings

The timeline for an impartial hearing case begins when the district receives a written due process complaint notice (also known as a request for an impartial hearing) from the parent, or the school district initiates an impartial hearing. The table below identifies the number of days by which certain activities are expected to be completed.

Timelines for Impartial Hearings
Case Type IHO Selection Process IHO Appointed Resolution Period Hearing Commences Decision Issued
CSE Within 2 business days from receipt of request Immediately A period of no more than 30 days from receipt of a parent-initiated request. A resolution meeting must be convened within 15 days from receipt of request. Within 14 days of the end of the resolution period for a parent-initiated request. Within 14 days from receipt of request for a district-initiated request. 45 days from the end of the resolution period for a parent- initiated request. 45 days from receipt date for a district-initiated request. Timeline applies unless an extension is granted.
CPSE Within 2 business days from receipt of request Immediately A period of no more than 30 days from receipt of a parent-initiated request. A resolution meeting must be convened within 15 days from receipt of request. Within 14 days of the end of the resolution period for a parent-initiated request. Within 14 days from receipt of request for a district-initiated request. 30 days from the end of the resolution period for a parent- initiated request. 30 days from receipt date for a district-initiated request. Timeline applies unless an extension is granted.
Expedited Within 2 business days from receipt of request Immediately A period of no more than 15 days from receipt of a parent-initiated request. A resolution meeting must be convened within 7 days from receipt of request. Within 20 school days from date the hearing request is filed. 10 school days after the hearing. No extensions are granted for expedited hearing requests.

Other Timelines Associated with the Impartial Hearing Process

  • The district must allow the IHO 24 hours to respond to a district contact regarding availability to hear a case.
  • In order to ensure the timelines are accurately implemented, the district is responsible for notifying the IHO when:
    • Both parties agree in writing to waive either the entire resolution period or a remainder of the period.
    • Both parties agree in writing to continue mediation or either party has withdrawn from mediation.
    • Both parties execute a settlement agreement during the resolution period and are closing the case as settled.
  • New hearing information must be disclosed to each party at least five business days prior to a hearing or three business days in the event of an expedited case.

Accessing the IHRS

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The IHRS is a secure and confidential system.No personally identifiable information or copies of case decisions are entered or stored in the IHRS.Users can only view case information pertaining to their cases. Cases involving other school districts cannot be accessed.

A username and password is required to access the IHRS. The IHRS is available 24/7 for use by authorized individuals.

Username and Password

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Obtaining a Username and Password

Contact either the school superintendent or their designee(s) to create a user account for the SEDDAS. The SEDDAS is designed to protect secure data from unauthorized access. The SEDDAS uses a process of allowing designated school district personnel to create, assign, and manage secure user IDs and passwords for their own staff.Complete instructions for using the SEDDAS are available atSEDDAS User Guide and Quick Guides.The SEDDAS User Guideis also available in the Application Business Portal under My Applications.

Problems accessing the SEDDAS, assigning a username, or resetting a password may be directed to the Special Education Due Process Unit atspecedih@nysed.govor (518) 473-0170. Include the name of the superintendent or their designee, district, and phone number if communicating by email.

About Usernames and Passwords

You receive an email with your username and directions for setting up your password once a user account for the Application Business Portal has been created for you. A username consists of your first name and your last name in lowercase letters with a period in between (e.g., jane.doe).

Passwords expire after 180 days. You are notified during the login process when it is time to change your password. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Your account is disabled if you do not update your password when notified to do so, forget your password, or fail to log in after three attempts. You need to reset your password to unlock your account.

Resetting Your Password/Unlocking Your Account

Follow the steps below to change your password without logging in or when you are locked out of your account:

Step 1:Navigate to the Application Business Portal. You may access the portal by going to and clicking the Business Portal tab in the navigation menu at the top of the screen or by going directly to.

Step 2:Click the Reset Your Password tab.

Step 3:Enter your Username and Email. Clickthe “I’m not a robot” box. A green check is returned. If you do not receive a green check, you are asked for more information.

Step 4:Click Submit.You are notified that a confirmation email was sent to your email address.

Step 5: Reset Password in the confirmation email you received. Enter and confirm your new password following the password requirements.

Step 6: ܲ(click 䲹Գto stop and go back). A confirmation that your password was successfully changed is returned. Click the link to return to the Application Business Portal.

Changing Your Password

Follow the steps below to change your password while you are logged in to your account:

Step 1: Log in to the Application Business Portal and click the Change Your Password tab.

Step 2:Enter your password. Then enter and confirm your new password following the password requirements.

Step 3:Submit(Cancelto stop and go back). A confirmation that your password was successfully changed is returned. Click the link to return to the Application Business Portal.

Logging In and Out

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Logging In to the IHRS

Step 1:Navigate to the Application Business Portal. You may access the portal by going toand clicking theBusiness Portaltab in the navigation menu at the top of the screen or by going directly to.

Step 2: Click the Log In tab.

Step 3:Enter your Username and Password and click the Sign in button.

Step 4: You are now logged into the Application Business Portal. Your username appears below the navigation bar, and the Log In tab has changed to Log Out. Click Impartial Hearing Reporting System (IHRS) under My Applications to access the IHRS home screen.

Accessing IHRS Issues
Description of Issue What to Do
You get an error message during the login process: Username and password do not match. Please try again. Your username and/or password are incorrect. Enter your correct information.
You get an error message during the login process: The user account is locked. Please reset your password. You unsuccessfully entered your password three times or your password has expired. Reset your password.
After logging in, the Impartial Hearing Reporting System (IHRS) is not listed under My Applications in the Application Business Portal. You are not authorized to access the IHRS application. Contact your school superintendent or their designee(s).
You get an error message while logged in to the IHRS: Error! Access Denied. You have been inactive in the IHRS for at least 60 minutes or the system has experienced an error. Click your browser's back arrow to return to the previous page and press enter. Log back in to the Application Business Portal if needed.
You are unable to access the internet or you are blocked from accessing a website. Contact your school's information technology (IT) provider for issues relating to local hardware, software, or internet access.

If you require additional assistance, contact the Special Education Due Process Unit at specedih@nysed.govor(518) 473-0170.Include the name of the superintendent or their designee, district, and phone number if communicating by email.

Logging Out of the IHRS

Step 1:Click the Business Portal tab in the blue navigation bar located at either the top or bottom of any IHRS screen. You are returned to the Application Business Portal.

Step 2: theLog Outtab in the Application Business Portal navigation bar. Your username is removed and theLog Outtab changes toLog In.

Entering and Searching Case Data

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How do I know if I entered data correctly?

You should review the data you entered for accuracy before clickingSave.A greenSuccess!message appears at the top of the screen indicating data was successfully entered. If this does not occur, the resulting error message provides guidance about next steps. If you do not receive either aSuccess!message or an error message, refresh your browser to confirm your data was entered and saved.

How do I correct a data entry error?

If you are unable to correct the information you entered, you must submit a data change request (see Data Change Requests).

How do I get help?

The IHRS Help File may be accessed from any screen in IHRS by clickingHelp. You may find the answers to many questions regarding the IHRS on this site.If you require additional assistance, contact the Special Education Due Process Unit atspecedih@nysed.gov or(518) 473-0170.

The IHRS Home Screen

The IHRS home screen is accessed by logging in to the Application Business Portal and clickingImpartial Hearing Reporting System (IHRS)under My Applications. School districts typically use the following features listed on the screen:


How do I search a case that has been entered?

Step 1: Click the Summary-Case Queryon the IHRS home screen.

Step 2: Enter information in the fields based on the criteria you want to use when searching for a case. Entering multiple search criteria narrows your search. For example:

  • Use Listnext to theInstitutionfield to search for all the cases in your school district;
  • Enter Y in the Expedited? field to search for expedited cases; or
  • Enter a date range in the Case Closed Date field and use Listnext to the Case Closed Type field to search for cases with Actual Decisions (or a different type) within the chosen date range, etc.

Step 3: theCase Identifierlink to view information for a specific case.

Note: You can only view case information pertaining to your school district's cases.

Opening a Case

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What is a case?

A case refers to all information and actions associated with a particular request for an impartial hearing as recorded in the IHRS.Each case is assigned a unique, numericCase Identifier (ID). All case information is linked to the ID.

What is an expedited case?

An expedited case involves an impartial hearing request usually concerningthe placement of a student with a disability in an interim alternative educational setting (IAES) because of issues arising from the discipline of such student.Expedited cases have much shorter timelines, and the timelines are based on school days.

The school district calculates and enters the compliance date when initially entering an expedited impartial hearing request in the IHRS.The compliance date is 30 school days from the date the district received the expedited request. When calculating the compliance date, day number one is the first school day after the receipt of the request.

The impartial hearing officer appointed to the case receives an automated email notification generated by the IHRS with the expedited compliance date calculated by the school district.

When is a case entered?

The district needs to enter the required information immediately upon receipt of the request for an impartial hearing.

Entering a New Case Record

Step 1: Click Case Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen.

Step 2: ClickNewonlyif this is the first time you are opening a new case.

Step 3: The Case Maintenance data entry screen opens. The eight fields marked with anasterisk(*) are required to open a case and establish a case identifier number. Enter the required information.

Required Case Maintenance Data for New Case

Field Name Description
* Request Date

Parent-requested impartial hearing: The first business day the due process complaint notice is received by the district.

District-requested impartial hearing: The date the due process complaint notice is filed.

* Requestor The party filing the due process complaint: school district, parent/guardian, or emancipated minor.
* Expedited? Indicate whether the case is expedited. The default value is N.
Expedited Compliance Date(* required if Y is indicated in the Expedited? field) The date the decision is due from the IHO on the expedited hearing.
* Student Placement The student’s placement on the current IEP.
* Student Classification The student’s classification on the current IEP.
* Case Type The type of case (CSE or CPSE).The default value is CSE.
* District Representative Name The person who the Office of Special Education contacts regarding case data and case activity in IHRS.
* District Representative Email The district representative's email address.

Step 4: ClickSave. Please take note of the Case Identifier number automatically assigned to the case.

Note:If you forget to note the Case Identifier number, go to Summary-Case Query and enter the name of your school district in theInstitutionfield to obtain a list of all district cases (seeEntering and Searching Case Data).

Selecting and Appointing an IHO

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School District Responsibilities

The school district must begin contacting impartial hearing officers (IHOs) for appointment selection immediately, but not later than two business days after receipt of the written request for a hearing. Multiple IHOs may be contacted at one time. The district does not need to wait 24 hours before contacting another IHO. During the appointment selection process the school district may ask an available IHO:

  • To ensure their schedule is such that any sufficiency challenges may be determined by the IHO within 5 calendar days upon receipt of request; and
  • To ensure they are available to initiate the hearing timeline within 14 calendar days after the conclusion of the resolution period or, if the school district is unable to obtain participation of the parent(s) in the resolution meeting, after reasonable efforts are made and documented.

The school district must document all IHO contacts in a way that can be independently verified. Independently verifiable documentation may include requests and responses conveyed via facsimile, electronic mail, certified overnight mail, and telephone contacts that are recorded and confirmed in writing. The school district must ensure there is a mechanism in place to receive the IHO's response within the 24-hour period. The IHRS provides an electronic method of maintaining the required contact documentation. Districts are encouraged to use this mechanism (see Contacting an IHO).

Board of Education Designee

A board of education may elect to designate the appointment process to one or more of its members so that the appointment can occur immediately. If the board of education does not elect this option, it must immediately (i.e., without delay) convene as a full board to appoint the IHO since an impartial hearing cannot be convened until a board of education appointment is made. The regulations do not permit a delay in the appointment of the IHO. In the event the board does not have a regularly scheduled meeting at the time the IHO is selected, the board of education must convene a special meeting for the purpose of appointing the IHO.

Impartial Hearing Officer Responsibilities

The IHO shall respond within 24 hours to a district contact regarding availability to serve as an IHO. If the IHO fails to respond, the district can move on to the next available IHO.

The IHO must be available to conclude the hearing process within 45 calendar days for Committee on Special Education (CSE) cases and 30 calendar days for Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) cases unless extensions are granted at the request of either party. There are no extensions for expedited cases.

The IHO Rotational List

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Each school district must appoint from a current rotational list of certified and active IHOs in New York State (except New York City which maintains its own IHO rotational list). An IHO may be eligible to serve in more than one county.

The district-specific rotational list in the IHRS is designed to help districts meet this regulatory requirement.You cannot access a list of IHOs serving another school district.

Districts are discouraged from printing a copy of the IHO Rotational List for reference as IHO names may be added or deleted from the list throughout the year. Instead, logging in to the IHRS for each new case is recommended.

Accessing the IHO Rotational List

ClickIHO Rotational Liston the IHRS home screen. A list of IHOs opens. Names are listed in alphabetical order. The name of the most recently appointed IHO appears at the bottom of the list. The next IHO available for appointment is at thetopof the list. The district must contact IHOs in the order displayed on this list except when a case is being potentially consolidated or refiled (see Appointing an IHO Out of Rotation).

Note:If a list of IHOs does not appear after clicking IHO Rotational List on the IHRS home screen, this may mean your district's initial marker has not been set.

The IHO Rotational List is updated automatically when:

  • You appoint an IHO;
  • A new IHO is added to your county; or
  • An existing IHO is activated/reactivated in your county.

Setting the District Initial Marker

The school district sets its rotational marker one time only.The marker sets the starting point in your district's rotational list in IHRS. Thereafter, the marker is moved automatically when you appoint an IHO to a case. The appointed IHO moves to the bottom of the list, and the next IHO in the list moves up to the top of the list.

Follow the steps below to set the District Rotational Marker if this is the first time the district is entering an impartial hearing case:

Step 1:District Initial Markeron the IHRS home screen.A list of IHOs opens. An N under the Marker column by each IHO's name indicates your district's rotational list marker has not been set. Please contact thethe Special Education Due Process Unit atspecedih@nysed.govor (518) 473-0170 if you do not see a list of IHOs after clicking on District Initial Marker.

Step 2: Click the last IHO Identifier number on the list.

Step 3:Go to the Marker field. Click the arrow and select Y from the dropdown list.

Step 4:Click Save.

Contacting an IHO

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You may simultaneously contact several IHOs to determine their availability, but the selection of the IHO must be based on the rotational list regardless of which IHO responds first. For example:

  1. IHO 1is not available. You leave a message forIHO 1to return your call regarding appointment. The IHO has 24 hours to respond.
  2. IHO 2declines appointment.
  3. IHO 3is available and accepts appointment. You notifyIHO 3that you are waiting for a response from another IHO on your district's rotational list and will contact them with the result.
  • IfIHO 1calls and declines the appointment or does not respond with 24 hours, you contactIHO 3to arrange the appointment. You cannot go back toIHO 2for appointment to any impartial hearing requests your district receives after this request; in this case, afterIHO 3is appointed. The names of IHO 1,IHO 2,andIHO 3move to the bottom of the rotational list.
  • IfIHO 1calls within 24 hours and accepts the appointment, you arrange the appointment. After being appointed, the name ofIHO 1moves to the bottom of the rotational list. You notifyIHO 3that a previous IHO has accepted appointment.IHO 2andIHO 3remain next on the list for appointments to future impartial hearings.

Accessing IHO Contact Information

Step 1:IHO Rotational Liston the IHRS home screen.

Step 2:Click theIho Idnumber to access the specific IHO's contact information.Contact the IHO at thetopof the rotational list first, then proceed down the list in order.

Step 3:You may record or print out the contact information to refer to when contacting the IHO. Some IHOs maintain two addresses. Use thePRIMARYaddress first to contact the IHO.

Do not use any address that has a Y in theInactive?field. The Yindicates the address is inactive. IHOs who have served, but have become inactive (e.g., removed themselves, deceased, etc.), remain on the list as "inactive" in case the district needs to access information regarding past cases for data analysis purposes.

Record the following information to document IHO contacts:

  • Contact Date and Time;
  • Contact Method (i.e., Home Phone, Work Phone, Email);
  • Result Date and Time; and
  • Contact Result (i.e., accepted, declined, no response).

This information may later be recorded on theHearing Officer Contact Data screen of the new case you have opened. You are not required to use the IHRS to maintain contact documentation. However, it is helpful in keeping an accurate case record in the event any questions arise.

Step 4:Click theMenutab in the blue navigation bar located at either the top or bottom of the screen to return to the IHRS home page.

Entering IHO Contact Information

Step 1:Click Case Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs IHO contact information entered.Entering the Case Identifier number is the most efficient way to locate the correct case.

Step 2: Click Newunder Hearing Officer Contact Data.

Step 3:Click List next to theIHO Identifierfield. Click theIho Id number of the IHO you want to select.

Step 4:Enter information in the appropriate fields.The Contact Time and Result Time fields must be completed using the military time format (e.g., 14:30 instead of 2:30 p.m.; 08:30 instead of 8:30 a.m.).

You may need to wait for a response before entering information into the Result Time, Result Date, and Contact Results fields.If the IHO declines appointment for a reason not listed, enter the reason for declination in theDeclined Other Reasonfield.

Step 5: ClickSave.

Step 6:Click the Case Identifier link at the top of the screen to return to Case Maintenance. The IHO contact data you entered appears under Hearing Officer Contact Data. The information is listed in order by the IHO Identifier numbers.

Entering IHO Contact Results

If you need to leave a message for the IHO, follow the steps below to enter the date and contact results after the IHO responds:

Step 1:ClickCase Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needsIHO contact results entered.

Step 2:Scroll down toHearing Officer Contact Data.Click theContact Datelink next to the name of the IHO whose date and contact results need to be entered.

Step 3:Enter information in the Result Time, Result Date, and Contact Result fields.

Step 4:ClickSave.

Step 5:Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The IHO contact results data you entered appears under Hearing Officer Contact Data.

Appointing an IHO

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You must complete the contact and contact result information for all contacted IHOs, using the IHRS or the school district's own mechanism, before recording the appointment of an IHO.An IHO must accept within 24 hours to be appointed.

The board of education (BOE) must immediately appoint the IHO who was selected from the rotational list(see School District Responsibilities – Board of Education Designee).

Entering an IHO Appointment

Step 1:ClickCase Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs an IHO appointment entered.

Step 2:Newunder Hearing Officer Appointments.

Step 3:Listnext to theIHO Identifierfield. Click theIho Idnumber of the IHO the BOE approved for appointment.

Step 4:Use the calendar function to complete the BOE Appointment Date field.

Step 5: ClickSave.

Step 6:Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The IHO appointment data you entered appears under Hearing Officer Appointments.

Recusal and Rescission

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Recusing an IHO Appointment

The IHO may recuse themself from a case for reasons of availability or conflict of interest such as a personal bias or prejudice, a familiar relationship concerning a party or witness, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding.

Either party to the hearing may request that the IHO recuse themself if it is believed there is a potential conflict of interest or concern regarding the impartiality of the IHO who has been appointed. The IHO must hear the argument and decide whether the party's reason for requesting recusal is valid. If the IHO is not willing to recuse themself, either party to the hearing may appeal such decision to the State Review Office (SRO) once the final decision of the IHO has been rendered on the case.

The school district must immediately select and appoint another IHO in accordance with the rotational selection and appointment proceduresifthe IHO is recused from the case (see Appointing an IHO).

Entering an IHO Recusal

Step 1:ClickCase Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs an IHO recusal entered.

Step 2:Scroll down toHearing Officer Appointments.Click theAppt Idlink.

Step 3:ClickNewunder Hearing Officer Recusal Data.

Step 4:Enter information in the appropriate fields. Enter the reason provided by the IHO for the recusal request in the Recusal Reason field.

Step 5:Save.

Step 6: theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance. A Y in the Recusal Indicator column under Hearing Officer Appointments indicates the IHO was recused from the case. The recusal data you entered may be accessed by clicking theAppt Id link.

Rescinding an IHO Appointment

If, by mutual agreement of the parties, the IHO is deemed incapacitated or otherwise unavailable or unwilling to continue the hearing or issue the decision, the BOE must rescind the appointment of the IHO andimmediately select and appoint another IHO in accordance with the rotational selection and appointment procedures (see Appointing an IHO).

Entering an IHO Rescission

Step 1:ClickCase Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs an IHO rescission entered.

Step 2:Scroll down toHearing Officer Appointments.Click theAppt Idlink.

Step 3:Use the calendar function to complete the Rescinded Date field.

Step 4:Use the dropdown arrow to complete the Rescinded Reason field.

Step 5:Save.

Step 6: theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance. The date in the Rescinded Date column under Hearing Officer Appointments indicates the IHO's appointment to the case was rescinded. The rescission data you entered may be accessed by clicking theAppt Idlink.

Appointing an IHO Out of Rotation

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School districts are required to appoint IHOs outside of the alphabetical rotational selection process under certain circumstances. Such circumstances typically involve potential consolidation of two or more cases, potential refiling of a previously withdrawn case, or cases that include both expedited and nonexpedited issues.

Note: A due process complaint that involves both expedited and nonexpedited issues must be entered as two separate cases, and the same IHO must be appointed to both cases. Please contact the Special Education Due Process Unit for assistance atspecedih@nysed.govor(518) 473-0170.

Potential Consolidation

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When a subsequent due process complaint notice is filed while a due process complaint involving the same parties and student is pending before an IHO, the same IHO must be appointed to determine if the two cases should be consolidated into one case or heard separately. The district must, in their procedures for IHO appointments, have a process to determine whether a due process complaint involving the same parties and student is pending.

Entering a Potential Consolidation

Step 1:Open a new case for the subsequent case (see Opening a Case).

Step 2:Appoint the same IHO who was appointed to the pending (old) case (see Appointing an IHO). Click List next to the Rotational Exception Reason? field. Click reason 1, Potential Consolidation.

Note: reason 4, In Rotation Consolidation, if your district's rotational marker is already on the correct IHO for the subsequent (new) case.

Step 3:Enter the number for the pending case in the Reference Case for Rotational Exception field. This links the two cases.

Step 4:Save.

Step 5:Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The Rotational Exception Reason? and Reference Case for Rotational Exception columns under Hearing Officer Appointments are now populated.

What happens next?

  1. The IHO is contacted and informed about the automatic appointment. The district informs the IHO of the resolution period timeline of both the pending and subsequent cases.
  2. The IHO reviews the pending and subsequent cases.The IHO may consolidate the subsequent complaint with the pending complaint or provide that the new complaint proceed separately as an individual hearing before the same IHO. The determination that the cases should or should not be consolidated is made solely by the IHO and does not rely on agreement of the parties.The determination by the IHO must be in the form of a written order.
  3. The IHO writes an order of consolidation providing the reasons why the case is to be consolidated or proceed as a separate case. The IHO provides the order of consolidation to all parties.
  4. If the IHO determines the cases should not be consolidated, but should proceed as separate complaints, and the IHO notifies the district they are not available to hear the new complaint (recuses themself), the district must appoint a new IHO to the subsequent case in accordance with the rotational selection process.
  5. If the IHO determines the case should be consolidated, the timeline for issuance of an impartial hearing decision in the earliest pending due process complaint applies. The district closes the resolution period to the subsequent case as consolidated which automatically closes the case (see Closing a Resolution Period).

Potential Refile

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If a party files a subsequent due process complaint notice within one year of a previously withdrawn due process complaint that is based on or includes the same or substantially similar claims, the district must appoint the same IHO who was appointed to the prior complaint unless the IHO is no longer available.The district must, in their procedures for IHO appointments, have a process to determine whether a due process complaint notice on the same student that involved the same or substantially similar claims was submitted and withdrawn within 12 months of the date the new due process complaint notice was submitted.

Note:A due process complaint notice involving tuition reimbursement for a different school year is not considered a potential refile. Therefore, the IHO appointment to the case is made in accordance with the rotational selection process.

Entering a Potential Refile

Step 1:Open a new case (seeOpening a Case).

Step 2:Appoint the same IHO who was appointed to the previously withdrawn case (seeAppointing an IHO). ClickListnext to theRotational Exception Reason?field. Click reason2, Potential Refile.

Step 3:Enter the number for the previously withdrawn case in theReference Case for Rotational Exceptionfield. This links the two cases.

Step 4: ClickSave.

Step 5:Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The Rotational Exception Reason? and Reference Case for Rotational Exception columns under Hearing Officer Appointments have been populated.

What happens next?

  1. The IHO is contacted and informed about the IHO automatic appointment and the case proceeds.
  2. If the IHO who has been appointed determines thatthe issues noted in the previously withdrawn due process complaint and the new due process complaint are not substantially similar, the district must appoint the next IHO in accordance with the rotational selection process.
  3. If the IHO who was previously appointed to the case that was withdrawn is no longer available to hear the refiled due process complaint, the district must appoint the next IHO in accordance with the rotational selection process.

Case Issues

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What is a case issue?

A case issue is an issue raised by the party filing the due process complaint notice concerning any matter relating to the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a student with a disability or a student suspected of having a disability, or the provision of a free appropriate public education to the such student. The due process complaint notice may include multiple case issues, and theIHO hearing the case renders a separate decision for each issue.

The district needs to enter a case issue before the case can be closed in the IHRS. However, case issues may be entered in the IHRS as soon as the case is opened. Issues can only be entered in open cases. The issues may be found in the due process complaint notice.

Entering a Case Issue

Step 1:Case Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs a case issue entered.

Step 2: Click New under Case Issues.

Step 3:Listnext to theIssue Type field. Click an issue type.

Note:You do not need to specify COVID-19-RELATED and NOT COVID-19-RELATED for cases requested after July 1, 2023.

Step 4: ClickSave. An issue type cannot be modified once selected and successfully saved.

Step 5:Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The data you entered appears under Case Issues.

Correcting a Case Issue

Step 1: Scroll down to Case Issues on the Case Maintenance data entry screen. Click the link for the Issue Type that needs to be changed.

Step 2: Click List next to the Issue Decision field. ClickISSUE CHANGED DUE TO FURTHER CLARIFICATIONif an issue is changed as a result of clarification during the prehearing conference.ClickNOT AN ISSUEif there is a data entry error.

Step 3: Click Save.

Step 4: Thescreen indicating your selection has been successfully entered opens. Click New.

Step 5:Listnext to theIssue Typefield. Click the correctIssue Type.

Step 6:Save.

Step 7: Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The data you entered appears under Case Issues.

Resolution Period

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A resolution period is an opportunity for the parent(s), member(s) of the committee on special education, and a representative of the school district who has decision-making authority to meet and discuss the complaint to reach a possible agreement before the impartial hearing takes place.A resolution period occurs when a parent initiates a due process complaint. It is a maximum30-day periodbeginning the day the district receives the due process complaint from the parent(s). The resolution period for a parent-initiatedexpeditedrequest is15 daysfrom receipt of the due process complaint. There is no resolution period with district-initiated requests, and the impartial hearing begins immediately.

Note:The IHRS automatically populates the Resolution Period Start Date and Resolution Compliance Date fields in Case Maintenance based on the request date entered by the district.

Resolution Meeting

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The school district is required to hold a resolution meeting within 15 days of receiving the due process complaint notice from the parent. Forexpeditedimpartial hearings, the school district is required to hold a resolution meeting within seven days of receiving the due process complaint notice from the parent. The district's failure to hold the resolution meeting within these timeframes may result in the parent(s) petitioning the IHO to proceed to hearing immediately and waive the remainder of the resolution period.

More than one resolution meeting may be held.Additional meetings must be recorded in the IHRS.

Entering a Resolution Meeting

Step 1:ClickCase Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs a resolution meeting added.

Step 2: the link for the Resolution Period Identifierunder Resolution Periods. There is only one resolution period unless the parent-initiated case is amended.

Step 3: Click Newunder Resolution Meetings.

Step 4: Use the calendar feature to complete theResolution Meeting Date field. Select Y from the dropdown list in the Held? field if you are entering a date for a meeting that was held. Select N if the meeting was scheduled but not held.

Note: You may enter a meeting ahead of time if it has been scheduled but not yet held. If you are entering a future meeting date, skip the Held?field. This field needs to be completed when you know whether the meeting has been held or not held.

Step 5:Save.

Step 6: theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance. The meeting data you entered may be accessed by clicking theResolution Period Identifierlink under Resolution Periods.

Closing a Resolution Period

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Once a resolution period is created in a case,extensions cannot be entered and a case cannot be closed until the Resolution Period Result and Resolution End Date are entered. A resolution period may be waived or shortened by agreement of both parties. Both parties are required to notify the IHO in writing if, at any time, the resolution period is waived.

The resolution period may be ended due to an insufficient request. If the IHO is asked to rule on the sufficiency of a request and deems the request insufficient, the case may either be closed or the IHO may allow the parent a specified amount of time to revise (amend) the request. If a revised request is submitted and an amended date is entered in IHRS, a new resolution period is created in the case (see Amendments).

Entering a Resolution Period End Date and Result

Step 1:Case Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs the resolution period closed.

Step 2: the link for theResolution Period Identifierunder Resolution Periods.

Step 3: Check that the resolution meeting data was entered.

Step 4:Use the calendar feature to complete theResolution Period End Datefield.

Step 5:Listnext to theResolution Period Result field.Click a Resolution Period Result.

Note:SelectingWRITTEN SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTorREQUEST WITHDRAWN closes the resolution periodandthe case after which no further information can be entered. Enter all resolution meeting data before selecting these resolution period results.

Step 6:Save.

Step 7: theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The data you entered appears under Resolution Periods.

Resolution Period Results

Results Description

The 30-day resolution period has elapsed or the district is unable to obtain the participation of the parent(s) in the resolution meeting within the 30-day resolution period. If the district is unable to obtain parent participation, the district may request that the IHO dismiss the case. If dismissed, the district enters the dismissal date as the case closed date and DISMISSED AT SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST as the case closure type.

PROCEED TO EXPEDITED HEARING - 15 DAYS ELAPSED The parties have not reached an agreement and the 15-day resolution period for the expedited case has elapsed.
PROCEED TO IMPARTIAL HEARING AT PARENT REQUEST The district failed to hold a resolution meeting within 15 days of receipt of the request, and the parent requests the IHO begin the impartial hearing immediately.
WAIVED BY BOTH PARTIES - ENTIRE PERIOD The district and the parent(s) agree to waive the entire resolution period and begin the hearing process immediately. This may occur within two days of the beginning of the resolution period.
WAIVED BY BOTH PARTIES - REMAINDER OF PERIOD The district and the parent(s) agree to waive the remainder of the resolution period and begin the hearing process immediately. This may occur after two days of the beginning of the resolution period and before the resolution period compliance date.
WRITTEN SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT The district and the parent(s) reach a written and signed settlement agreement within the 30-day resolution period. The IHO will not render a written decision. Choosing this selection automatically closes the case as SETTLED on the date entered for the Resolution Period End Date (provided the issue decision SETTLED IN RESOLUTION SESSION is entered).
REQUEST WITHDRAWN The party who initiated the hearing withdrew the request. There is written documentation of the withdrawal.Choosing this selection automatically closes the case as WITHDRAWN on the date entered for the Resolution Period End Date.
PARTIAL AGREEMENT - PROCEED TO HEARING The district and the parent(s) came to an agreement on at least one issue. The remaining issue(s) proceeds to hearing. An issue decision of SETTLED IN RESOLUTION SESSION is entered.
CONSOLIDATED The IHO determines the case should be consolidated. The district closes the resolution period to the subsequent case as CONSOLIDATED which automatically closes the case.
CONTINUE MEDIATION - HEARING TIMELINE ON HOLD At the end of the 30-day resolution period, both parties agree in writing to continue mediation and delay the beginning of the impartial hearing.


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What is mediation?

Special education mediation is a voluntary process in which parents of students with disabilities and school district personnel meet with a specially trained, impartial individual (i.e., a mediator) to work out differences in a collaborative way. The mediator, unlike the IHO, does not issue a decision but rather assists the parties to reach a mutually agreeable resolution to the problem and document that agreement in writing.

Mediation may be requested at any time for matters arising prior to or at the same time as an impartial hearing request.Use of mediation to resolve a dispute cannot be used to deny or delay a parent’s right to due process, such as the right to an impartial hearing. If an impartial hearing is requested during mediation and more time is needed for mediation, a request may be made to the IHO to reschedule the impartial hearing (see the Office of Special Education's mediation webpage for additional information regarding the mediation process).

Expedited cases cannot be put on a mediation hold.

How does mediation affect the resolution period?

If the parties are involved in mediation during the resolution period, a written agreement to continue mediation may put a hold on the start of the impartial hearing timeline. In this case, the district must enter the mediation case number assigned by the agency providing the mediation in the IHRS. The hold on the impartial hearing timeline continues until the mediation resolves the issues or the IHO is informed that one of the parties has withdrawn from the mediation process. If the issues are resolved in mediation, the case is closed as withdrawn. If one or both of the parties withdraws from the mediation, the impartial hearing timeline begins and the case proceeds to hearing. However, an IHO may grant specific extensions of time beyond the decision due date upon a determination that a settlement is likely through the mediation process.

Entering a Mediation

Step 1:Case Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs a mediation entered.

Step 2: Click theMediation link located either at the bottom of the Case Maintenance screen or at the bottom of the Resolution Period data entry screen.

Step 3: Click New.

Step 4: Enter the number assigned by the agency providing the mediation in the Mediation Case Number field.

Step 5: Cick Save.

Step 6: theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.

Entering a Mediation Hold

Step 1:Case Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs a mediation hold entered.

Step 2: Click on the Mediation link located either at the bottom of the Case Maintenance screen or at the bottom of the Resolution Period data entry screen and check that a mediation record was entered.

Step 3: Return to Case Maintenance and click the link for the openResolution Period Identifierunder Resolution Periods.

Step 4: Use the calendar feature to complete theResolution Period End Datefield (this is the same as the Resolution Compliance Date).

Step 5: ClickListnext to theResolution Period Resultfield to enter the result (CONTINUE MEDIATION-HEARING TIMELINE ON HOLD).

Step 6: Click Save.

Step 7: Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The data you entered appears under Resolution Periods.

Note:When the use of mediation delays the beginning of the hearing timeline, the case compliance date indicates ON HOLD. Extensions and issue decisions cannot be entered. Hearings may be entered as scheduled, but you cannot indicate whether a hearing was held.

If an amendment is entered, CONTINUE MEDIATION-HEARING TIMELINE ON HOLD is removed from the Resolution Period Result field and a new resolution period is automatically entered (see Amendments).

Closing a Mediation

Step 1:Case Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs a mediation closed.

Step 2: theMediationlink located either at the bottom of the Case Maintenance screen or at the bottom of the Resolution Period data entry screen.

Step 3: Click the link for theMed ID.

Step 4: Click List next to the Mediation Hold Result field. Click a hold result.

Note: If the mediation hold result is WITHDRAWN, the mediation was successful and there is no need to proceed to impartial hearing. This automatically closes the case. If the mediation hold result is PROCEED TO HEARING, the mediation was not successful and the case proceeds to impartial hearing.

Step 5:Use the calendar feature to complete the Hold End Date field.

Step 6: Click Save.

Step 7: Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The Case Closed Date and Case Closure Type fields are populated, the Compliance Date is indicated, and the CASE COMPLETE indicator has changed from N to Y.


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Types of Hearings

Pendency Hearing

The student must stay in their current placement during administrative and judicial review. Disputes over the nature of a pendency placement should be brought to and resolved by the IHO assigned to the case. A pendency hearing may be held during the Resolution Period.

Pre-hearing Conference

The purpose of a pre-hearing conference includes:

  • Simplifying and/or clarifying the issues;
  • Identifying witnesses;
  • Identifying evidence;
  • Establishing date(s) for the completion of the hearing; and
  • Addressing other administrative matters.

The IHO enters a summary of the pre-hearing conference into the record.


Both parties agree to participate, with their respective counsel or representative, in a hearing proceeding to present their evidence and witness testimony before the IHO.

When is a hearing entered?

School districts are asked to enter the date of any and all hearings scheduled for the impartial hearing process. A hearing may be entered any time after the date the IHO has been appointed.The IHO provides the district with the dates of all hearing activities. All pre-hearing conferences and hearings may be entered prior to the resolution period ending. However, extensions can only be entered after the resolution period ends.

Entering a Hearing

Step 1:ClickCase Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs a hearing entered.

Step 2:ClickNewunder Hearings.

Step 3:Use the calendar feature to complete the Hearing Datefield.

Step 4: Go to theHeld field. Click the arrow and select Y if you are entering a date for a hearing that was held. Select N if the hearing was scheduled but not held.

Note:You may enter a hearing ahead of time if it has been scheduled but not yet held. If you are entering a future meeting date, skip theHeldfield. This field needs to be completed before a case is closed.

Step 6: Click Save.

Step 7: Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The data you entered appears under Hearings.


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What is an amendment?

An amendment is a change to the substantive components of a due process complaint including:

  • A description of the nature of the problem relating to the proposed or refused initiation or change, including facts relating to the problem; and/or
  • A proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to the party at the time.

If the IHO deems the due process complaint insufficient, the case may either be closed based on that ruling (the complainant may refile at a later date) or the IHO may allow the complainant a specified amount of time to amend the due process complaint notice. If the revised due process complaint results in a determination that the request is sufficient, it is entered in the IHRS as an amended request. This allows the timelines for the resolution period and the decision due date to be recalculated.

An expedited case cannot be amended.

What happens to the timeline when a case is amended?

The timeline recommences on the date the party (e.g., parent) files the amended due process complaint notice with the other party (e.g., district), provided that:

  1. The other party has consented in writing to such amendment; or
  2. The IHO has granted permission for an amendment, which must happen at least 5 days prior to the initiation of the first hearing held.

Timelines do not recommence until the amended notice is filed with the other party. Recalculated timelines are as follows:

  • If a parent-initiated case is amended during the resolution period, the 30-day resolution period is started again beginning with the date the amended due process complaint notice is filed with the other party. The new resolution period is initiated to ensure the parties have an opportunity to resolve any amended issues in the complaint through a resolution meeting.
  • If a parent-initiated case is amended after the resolution period has ended and before the first scheduled hearing is held, a new 30-day resolution period begins using the date the amended due process complaint notice is filed with the other party as the start date of the new resolution period. The new resolution period is initiated to ensure the parties have an opportunity to resolve any amended issues in the complaint through a resolution meeting.
  • If an amendment is entered after the hearing has proceeded past the resolution period and/or the timeline has been extended, the new resolution period to address the amended issue(s) proceeds concurrently while hearing activity is continuing for the nonamended issue(s).
  • If a district-initiated case is amended, there is no effect on the timeline as a resolution period is not required.

Entering an Amendment

Step 1:Case Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs an amendment entered.

Step 2: Click Newunder Amendments.

Step 3: Use the calendar feature to complete the Request Amended Date field. The date entered is the date the party filed the amended due process complaint with the other party.

Step 4: Click Save.

Step 5: Click theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The amendment data you entered appears under Amendments.

The new resolution period start and compliance dates data appear under Resolution Periods.


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An extension is an additional period of time beyond the regulatory timeline (compliance date) of the impartial hearing decision due date. Extensions are granted by the IHO at the request of one or both of the parties. An extension may move the compliance date by a maximum of 30 days into the future.

An expedited case cannot be extended.

The IHO is responsible for entering extensions into the Extension Reporting Application. The data entered by the IHO appears under the Case Extensions section of the Case Maintenance screen. Clicking the link for theExtension Identifierunder Case Extensions opens the Case Extensions screen where additional information about the extension may be viewed.

Issue Decisions

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Issue decisions are taken from the written decision submitted to the district by the IHO after the hearing. The IHO renders a separate decision for each issue.

Issue decisions are not entered for settled or withdrawn cases since it is not necessary for the IHO to render a decision on issues withdrawn or settled by the parties.

Types of Issue Decisions

Issue Decision Description

The IHO decision orders the issue dismissed.

NOTE: It is possible during the hearing process that a case may be dismissed. In the event the IHO renders a written decision, the issue decision DISMISSED is entered for each case issue type and the case closure type is entered as ACTUAL DECISION.

INDEPENDENT DECISION The IHO decision supports neither party. It directs a different action than requested.
ISSUE CHANGED DUE TO FURTHER CLARIFICATION The initial issue entered is incorrect and is changed after discussion by the parties.
NOT AN ISSUE The district made a data entry error; the issue is not appropriate to the case.
REMAND TO COMMITTEE The IHO determines that the issue should be returned to the committee on special education or committee on preschool special education (CSE or CPSE) for action.
SETTLED IN RESOLUTION SESSION The issue is resolved in resolution session and does not proceed to hearing.

The parties negotiated an agreement on this issue that is stipulated as part of the decision.

NOTE: If a written decision is rendered by the IHO and specific issues result in an issue decision of STIPULATION AGREEMENT, the case closure type of ACTUAL DECISION is selected.

SUPPORT PARENT The IHO decision supports the parent's position.
SUPPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT The IHO decision supports the school district's position.
SUPPORT, IN PART, SCHOOL DISTRICT AND PARENT The IHO decision supports both parties in part.
WITHDRAWN The requestor withdrew the request for an impartial hearing.

Entering an Issue Decision

Step 1:Case Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs a case issue entered.

Step 2: Scroll down to Case Issues on the Case Maintenance data entry screen. Click the link for theIssue Typeto access the Issue Decision screen.

Step 3:Listnext to theIssue Decisionfield. Click an issue decision.

Step 4: Go to the Change in Placement? field. Click the arrow and select Y or N from the dropdown list to indicate whether the IHO's decision resulted in a change in placement for the student. Select Y only if the issue type is for an expedited discipline case.

Step 5: Go to the District Action Required? field. Click the arrow and select Y or N from the dropdown list to indicate whether the IHO requires the district to complete an action related to the issue.

Step 6: Enter a brief description defining the scope of the required action in theDistrict Action Descriptionfield. You may copy this information from the decision in the IHO's order.

Step 7:Save.

Step 8: theCase Identifierlink at the top of the screen to return toCase Maintenance.The data you entered appears under Case Issues.

Closing a Case

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When is a case closed?

An impartial hearing case is closed when the IHO renders a decision or the case is settled or withdrawn. If a decision is rendered, the IHO mails a copy of the written, or at the option of the parents, electronic findings of fact and decision to the parent(s) and school district.The district then records the issue decisions, case closed date, and case closure type in the IHRS. If the case is settled, the district enters the date of the settlement agreement as the case closed date. If a case is withdrawn, the district enters the date of the written withdrawal and/or order of termination issued by the IHO as the case closed date. The district is responsible for notifying the IHO when the case is settled or withdrawn.

Entering a Case Closure

Step 1:ClickCase Maintenanceon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs to be closed.

Step 2:Check to ensure that the following data is entered:

  • An IHO is assigned to the case (unless the case is withdrawn before the school district has appointed an IHO);
  • There is at least one issue recorded under Case Issues (unless the case is withdrawn);
  • An issue decision is recorded for each issue if the case closure type is Actual Decision;
  • At least one hearing date is entered if the case closure type is Actual Decision;
  • All hearing dates entered have an indication of whether or not the hearing was held; and
  • The Resolution Period Result and End date are entered if the case is parent-requested.

Step 3:Use the calendar feature to complete the Actual Record Closed Date and Case Closed Date fields.

Step 4: Listnext to the Case Closure Type field. Click a case closure type.

Step 5: Click Save. The Case Complete indicator changes from N to Y.

Note:The only field in which data can be entered after a case is closed is theIssue Appealed To SRO?field on the Case Issues data screen.Select Y if the issue was appealed to the State Review Office. Select N if the issue was not appealed to the State Review Office.

Types of Case Closures
Closure Type Description
ACTUAL DECISION The IHO renders a decision and provides copies to the district and the parent. Case Closed Date is the date on the written decision.
SETTLED The parent(s) and the district reach a settlement agreement outside of the hearing process. The agreement is signed by both parties. The IHO does not render a written decision. At least one case issue must be entered before closing the case.
WITHDRAWN The party who initiated the hearing withdraws the request. There is written documentation of the withdrawal. The IHO does not render a written decision.If the withdrawal of a request is an action due to a settlement agreement, the case is considered settled and not withdrawn.
INSUFFICIENT REQUEST The IHO is asked to rule whether the request is insufficient. If the IHO deems the request insufficient, the case is closed.
DISMISSED AT SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST When, after reasonable and documented efforts, the school district is unable to obtain parent participation in the resolution session, the district may request that the hearing be dismissed at the end of the 30-day resolution period. If the IHO supports the district request, the case is closed.
DISMISSED The IHO dismisses the case. If the IHO renders a written decision, the issue decision DISMISSED is entered for each case issue type and the Case Closure Type is entered as ACTUAL DECISION.
CONSOLIDATED The IHO determines the case should be consolidated. The district closes the resolution period to the subsequent (new) case as CONSOLIDATED which automatically closes the case.

Data Change Requests

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Many data entry fields in the IHRS cannot be changed once saved by the user. If an error is entered and cannot be modified, a data change request must be submitted. Multiple data change requests involving the same case or a data change request for a different case must be submitted separately.

Requesting a Data Change

Step 1:IHRS Data Change Requeston the IHRS home screen. This opens the Data Change Request Query screen. ClickNewto access a data change request form.

Step 2: The Data Change Request Submit Form screen opens. All fields are required except for District Case Number.Enter the required information.

Required Data Change Request Information
Field Name Description
Case ID The case identifier number.
Institution The school district's institution identifier number.
District Case Number The case identifier number assigned by the school district (not required).
Requestor Name Name of the person requesting the data change.
Phone Phone number of the requestor or person who is able to answer questions regarding the data change request if clarification is needed.
Email Email address of the requestor or person to be notified by the Special Education Due Process Unit regarding questions and verification of the completion of the data change.
Description A brief description of the information requiring correction. Include any applicable identifiers involved (e.g., Resolution Period Identifier, Hearing Identifier, etc.).

Step 3: Click Save.Please take note of theData Change IDautomatically assigned to the request.After a data change request is successfully submitted to the IHRS,the requestor receives a confirmation email (multiple email notifications aregenerated if more than one request is submitted).

Checking the Status of a Data Change Request

Step 1:ClickIHRS Data Change Requeston the IHRS home screen. Enter the Data Change ID assigned to the submitted data change request or enter criteria in one of the query fields to search all of the requests submitted.

Step 2: ClickFind.

Step 3: A list of data changes requested appears based on the query criteria entered. Entering query criteria other than the Data Change ID or Case ID may result in a list of multiple cases. Click the link for theData Change ID number to view the information you entered as well as the status and received dates entered by the Special Education Due Process Unit.

Step 4: Click Menu to return to the IHRS home screen.